Wow, welcome to my website and my blog! There is a sentence I never thought I would say! I am not a "blogger" or a person who likes to share a lot about myself, but I am going to try and share my art life with you. Creating this website and an Instagram page @jazzheathstudio has been a ton of work. I feel like i have been glued to my phone and to this computer for the past few months, trying to learn all about how to "post" shit and what a "reel" is and how the fuck to "upload a video". Ugh. I should have had kids, or lived closer to my nieces and nephews. Even the 3 year old probably knows more about this than I do. That said, I am thankful for my friends Lori and Caroline for helping me figure all of this out. As a team of ladies over 50, we are getting it done. Thanks girls!
So if you are reading this and decide to follow along, please be kind. I am not a professional computer person, influencer, instagram poster, I am an artist. My videos will be wonky, and weirdo me trying to film in my studio is a total mess, but in the end, its the real me. If you have ever met me you know that I AM wonky and weird! I love making art and teaching others to do the same. So let's get wonky and weird together!